

FIQWS 10113: Composition for Creative Expression 

(Narrative Medicine, Writing Section 3, #58269) 

Fall 2022, 3 credits, 3 hours 

Instructor:​ Tim Dalton (he/him/his)

Instructor’s Email:​ [email protected]

Instructor’s Office: NAC 6/332-D

Instructor’s Zoom Link (as needed):

Student ​Hours:​ T, 3:30-4:30pm, H 3:30-4pm

Course number: FIQWS 10113-MED3 (58269) 

Class Dates & Times​:​ T/H, 2:00pm-3:15pm 

Classroom:​ Harris 013

Course Site: 

Daily Schedule:  

Course Description

FIQWS courses are broken up into two equal parts: a topic seminar and a writing seminar. In this narrative medicine FIQWS, your topic section is guided by Prof. Carmen Price, and your writing seminar is facilitated by Tim Dalton. These two FIQWS seminars are closely linked. There will be significant interaction, both in class and online, between seminar instructors and students. You will receive individual grades for each section of the course, and they are worth three credits each (for a total of six credits.)

The topic seminar description will be detailed in a separate syllabus.

The writing seminar will introduce and hone skills that increase and ease the production of strong analytic writing. Structured classroom practices will work toward building a writing community that fosters the development of unique voices built around a set of shared values about writing and the work that writers do. Participation as a member of the writing community requires that your writing be public within the classroom. The purpose of sharing writing is to get a sense that academic writing is more than a matter of private student/instructor communication. Writing that has a real sense of audience, tends to have a real purpose, which in turn is the foundation for all effective writing.

The purpose of the writing seminar is to help invent, identify and/or develop a writing process that will sustain your work both in academic, professional, and personal settings. As such, the focus of every class period will be writing. There will be extensive in-class writing periods supplemented by assessment and peer review. The writing you produce will be the main texts for the class to use for practice and writing progression.

Required Texts (Composition Section)

We will use the readings made available in the topic section. Anything beyond that is listed on the syllabus and posted to Blackboard, in the Readings folder for that unit. Open-internet sources are generally also linked to on the “Chalkboard” Doc.

Course​ ​Learning​ ​Outcomes

First-Year Composition Mission Statement: “First-year composition (FYC) courses at CCNY teach writing as a recursive and frequently collaborative process of invention, drafting, and revising. Writing is both personal and social, and students should learn how to write for different purposes and audiences. Since writing is a process of making meaning and communicating, FYC teachers respond mainly to the content of students’ writing as well as to recurring surface errors. Students should expect frequent written and oral responses on the content of their writing from their teachers and peers. Classes rely heavily on a workshop format. Instruction emphasizes the connection between writing, reading, and critical thinking; students should give thoughtful, reasoned responses to the readings. Both reading and writing are the subjects of class discussions and workshops, and students are expected to be active participants in the classroom community. Learning from each other will be a large part of the classroom experience.”

Students successfully completing a FIQWS composition course will demonstrate ability to:

  • Explore and analyze in their own and others’ writing a variety of genres and rhetorical situations.
  • Develop and use strategies for reading, drafting, revising, and editing.
  • Practice systematic application of citation conventions (MLA).
  • Recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations.
  • Develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes.
  • Understand and use print and digital technologies to address a range of audiences.
  • Locate research sources (including academic journal articles, magazine, and newspaper articles) in the library’s databases or archives and on the internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias; and
  • Compose texts that integrate the student’s stance and language with appropriate sources, using strategies such as summary, critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and argumentation


The complete syllabus is available here. It details the full grading breakdown, course procedures, and college-wide policies. That information is also available on separate pages of this site.

Read more on our grading breakdown here.

Read more on course and college policies here.

To read our detailed daily schedule, use our ongoing “Chalkboard” Doc.

(That link is, if you need to access it from your phone.)

To turn in work and track grades, use our pared-down Blackboard site.

Again, note that the full syllabus in the traditional format is available here.